Speeding protection racket now fully legalised

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Speeding protection racket now fully legalised

Postby jont- » Sat Oct 22, 2022 7:30 am


Really, just fine folk, no points? Can't be any sort of danger from speeding at all then :roll:

If that's not the definition of a protection racket I don't know what is. I'm sure councils will be rolling this out nationwide as soon as they can. Utterly ludicrous. Next step to scrap driving tests because we can't supply enough anyway and no-one really cares about driving to the basic L standard anyway? Just charge people for a piece of paper and scrap the physical test?

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Strangely Brown
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Re: Speeding protection racket now fully legalised

Postby Strangely Brown » Sat Oct 22, 2022 4:28 pm

Everyone knows that automated speed enforcement stopped being about road safety years ago. It is now and has been for some time all about the money.

If a speed camera van can park on the verge of a very safe dual-carriageway right next to a sign that says, "Clearway. No Stopping Except in Emergency" while handing out tickets then you know that something is very broken. How can they be allowed to break the law while allegedly enforcing it.

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