Hello from West Sussex

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Re: Hello from West Sussex

Postby Bumblebee16 » Sun Dec 11, 2016 8:46 am

akirk wrote:Do it :) yes you may be more nervous but explain that to the examiner, but think how much confidence you will gain from passing and from your comments there is no strong reason why you shouldn't...

M1ke H wrote:To echo Alasdair's comment - Do it!

My suggestion would be to seek advice from your local group and Observer and possibly arrange for a different examiner in a different location if that works for you.

martine wrote:How about going for a refresher drive with an observer, getting some honest feedback and going for it again? I think you may be pleasantly surprised and I'm sure it would be satisfying to 'complete' the process and get a certificate to prove it!

Treat it as a learning exercise and remember there is always more...more skills, perfecting existing skills, higher tests (if that is your thing)...it's never-ending.

Thank you!

A member of this forum has kindly offered me an independent drive, which I am going to take him up on.

superplum wrote:Well, we'll consider you to be a "nasty person" and do the beating up if you don't take a free retest - have confidence, you've worked for it!

:lol: How can I refuse, when you put it like that?

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