Old ADUK...oh dear

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Re: Old ADUK...oh dear

Postby Horse » Mon Feb 01, 2016 6:38 pm

jont- wrote:
ancient wrote:Since we are a culture which respects Science and wish to base policy on Science rather than on some wooly 'beliefs', should we not be taking the scientific evidence into account?

Really? What evidence brings you to that conclusion? ;) There are areas (drugs policy for starters) where knee jerk reactions are still the order of the day :(

And then there's education 'policy', which is at the whim of whichever flavour of government and minister is in power at the time :(

A classic example is the recent 'convert failing schools to academies' - when there's no evidence that being an academy = better performance.

Or, a couple of years ago, Gove appearing at the opening of a new university-based teacher training course and saying how wonderful it would be, the day after announcing that teachers didn't need to be qualified :roll:
Your 'standard' is how you drive alone, not how you drive during a test.

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Re: Old ADUK...oh dear

Postby WhoseGeneration » Thu Mar 03, 2016 7:40 pm

akirk wrote:
WhoseGeneration wrote:Alasdair, you might need to consider adding some conditions to the posting terms.
Forums I'm on where safety critical stuff is discussed, will require that a poster is qualified to post. Electrical installations are one such example.
With regard to TripleS's problem, I could comment but I'm not officially qualified so can't.
Plus, Mr C-W is describing but one, rarely used these days, system of earthing, so, from afar, it's best not to comment and TripleS would be best to consult an electrician.


I think that is reasonable where a forum is focused on such things - but I think it is also reasonable to expect all users of an online forum to realise that they need to decide how to take advice they see online - after all, we spend our time talking about and giving advice on driving, which probably kills more people each year than earthing straps... if old enough to be doing dangerous things - then you are old enough to make a considered judgement on what you read, if not - please check with Mummy or Daddy first :) - besides you should be at school / having your nap / in bed (I do realise that some of those might also apply to regular members!)

more seriously, we have become so fixated on regulation / certification / qualification / etc. in our country that there is now a belief that somehow you are only qualified to have an opinion if you have a bit of paper - one of the great things about this forum is the obvious skills with no paper to back it up - here we discuss matters based on the logic behind them / based as far as possible on first principles - not based on 'I have a qualification therefore this is the only way to do it' - that is the antithesis of what we are about - and so, as far as I am concerned, the same applies to other discussions on here, if what you say is logical & right, it shouldn't matter whether you are 'officially qualified' that is only about liability etc. and there is no liability in a discussion online, the recipient of the advice makes the choice on what advice to follow


I apologise for my late reply. I agree with your post and my concern was only for the sake of this 'site.
So much of our current world appears to be pandering to those who can't take personal responsibility.

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Re: Old ADUK...oh dear

Postby Horse » Thu Mar 03, 2016 7:55 pm

TheInsanity1234 wrote:Try being profoundly deaf for 18 years, and come back to me with your complaints :P

I think TI would suggest that you stand facing away when you complain ;)
Your 'standard' is how you drive alone, not how you drive during a test.

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Re: Old ADUK...oh dear

Postby WhoseGeneration » Thu Mar 03, 2016 9:40 pm

TheInsanity1234 wrote:I'm quite a lot more confident now, and after receiving confirmation from Hearing Dogs UK that they shall supply me with a Hearing Dog for university, I'm becoming quite a bit more confident being who I am, and I'm basically not the same person that I was in June of last year. I've been coming on in leaps and bounds, but that was also helped by me losing more than 2.5 stone in weight (over the last 1.5 years or so) and reaching a point where I'm actually happy with how my body looks (but I'm going to continue losing weight as I'm still slightly overweight).

In general, 2015 has proved itself to be an important year, and I'm fully relishing the chance to make 2016 even better.

Confidence?, I suspect you don't realise how much respect we here have for you. You have posted here and in the previous place always with intelligence, of relevance and arguing logically.
Your posts read as from someone older, always correct in spelling and grammar and that with your disability. I was surprised when you revealed that.
You are someone with much ability and should build on that at university, go there with your head held high and tackle all you meet in the same way you have with we old farts here. Without wittering on too much, just that age has taught me not to be concerned what others think of me. A few close friends on a similar wavelength is all I need.
I assume it's going to be science at university, I hope so, we need more scientists.
Oh and pics of dog will be required.

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Re: Old ADUK...oh dear

Postby martine » Sun Mar 06, 2016 8:33 am

Martin - Bristol Advanced Motorists: IMI National Observer, Group Secretary, Masters (dist), DSA: ADI, Fleet, RoSPA (Dip)

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Re: Old ADUK...oh dear

Postby TheInsanity1234 » Sun Mar 06, 2016 4:24 pm

WhoseGeneration wrote:Confidence?, I suspect you don't realise how much respect we here have for you. You have posted here and in the previous place always with intelligence, of relevance and arguing logically.
Your posts read as from someone older, always correct in spelling and grammar and that with your disability. I was surprised when you revealed that.

Never assume you know anything about anyone. I find that to be an excellent rule to follow :mrgreen:
I've encountered numerous people who suggest that I've got an old head on young shoulders. I'm inclined to agree, as I do hold a lot of opinions that don't seem to match the average 18 year old's opinions, and I like to define a few things differently. Such as a great evening consisting of some mystery programmes and Werthers' Originals and a nice massive pot of hot drink (either tea or coffee), as opposed to going out getting so drunk I wake up in a bin somewhere with a hang over.

WhoseGeneration wrote:You are someone with much ability and should build on that at university, go there with your head held high and tackle all you meet in the same way you have with we old farts here. Without wittering on too much, just that age has taught me not to be concerned what others think of me. A few close friends on a similar wavelength is all I need.

Honestly, I've learnt that lesson very quickly. I am not the sort of person that is universally popular, let's just say that. I gave up caring what others think of me a year or so back, and I've never looked back since.

WhoseGeneration wrote:I assume it's going to be science at university, I hope so, we need more scientists.

Absolutely. A Physics MA degree.

WhoseGeneration wrote:Oh and pics of dog will be required.

Of course. In fact, that has reminded me, there are pictures of a certain other thing I meant to upload but never got around to doing so.

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Re: Old ADUK...oh dear

Postby martine » Sun Mar 06, 2016 7:50 pm

TheInsanity1234 wrote:Absolutely. A Physics MA degree.

Good man! I'm an ambassador for the Bloodhound project (http://www.bloodhoundssc.com) and the main focus is to get more young people into Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths.

Bizarre for some, my 3 daughters all did science/Maths based degrees at Uni and my son is more arts focussed - we're trying to buck the trend!
Martin - Bristol Advanced Motorists: IMI National Observer, Group Secretary, Masters (dist), DSA: ADI, Fleet, RoSPA (Dip)

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Re: Old ADUK...oh dear

Postby TheInsanity1234 » Sun Mar 06, 2016 10:06 pm

Sounds great! I've always been interested in Physics, was considering engineering as a degree, but I'm afraid all the engineers I know are rather dull, and although pleasant, not the kind of person I'd invite over for dinner. However, the Physics lot have all been a bit on the insane side and they are closer in personality to me :mrgreen:

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Re: Old ADUK...oh dear

Postby skodatezzer » Mon Mar 07, 2016 12:21 am

TheInsanity1234 wrote:Sounds great! I've always been interested in Physics, was considering engineering as a degree, but I'm afraid all the engineers I know are rather dull, and although pleasant, not the kind of person I'd invite over for dinner. However, the Physics lot have all been a bit on the insane side and they are closer in personality to me :mrgreen:

I think physicists get the highest score on my personal weirdometer, just beating mathematicians by a short head. All musicians, by contrast, are completely normal and balanced individuals. One of my very favourite ex-pupils (now a Facebook friend. and a not-half-bad 'cellist to boot) is in her first year of a Physics degree at Oxford, and vehemently refutes my position on the matter. This girl keeps two llamas in her (extensive) back garden. I rest my case.

And this forum is all about advanced driving, right? :lol:

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Re: Old ADUK...oh dear

Postby fungus » Mon Mar 07, 2016 8:24 pm

skodatezzer wrote:
TheInsanity1234 wrote:Sounds great! I've always been interested in Physics, was considering engineering as a degree, but I'm afraid all the engineers I know are rather dull, and although pleasant, not the kind of person I'd invite over for dinner. However, the Physics lot have all been a bit on the insane side and they are closer in personality to me :mrgreen:

I think physicists get the highest score on my personal weirdometer, just beating mathematicians by a short head. All musicians, by contrast, are completely normal and balanced individuals. One of my very favourite ex-pupils (now a Facebook friend. and a not-half-bad 'cellist to boot) is in her first year of a Physics degree at Oxford, and vehemently refutes my position on the matter. This girl keeps two llamas in her (extensive) back garden. I rest my case.

And this forum is all about advanced driving, right? :lol:

But you can drive a llama, it's a beast of burden isn't it. :lol:


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