Advanced Driving or Self Important?

Topics relating to Advanced Driving in cars
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Re: Advanced Driving or Self Important?

Postby Horse » Mon Dec 12, 2016 11:41 am

Speary wrote:Regarding painted arrows et al. These generally should be obeyed but if there was an incident I am pretty certain the court would chuck the book at you. Incident could be a collision or being discourteous to other drivers etc

Could you give an example of how such a collision might occur?
Your 'standard' is how you drive alone, not how you drive during a test.

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Re: Advanced Driving or Self Important?

Postby Speary » Tue Dec 13, 2016 9:57 am

Certainly Horse. Take for example traffic lights at a major crossroads. Left lane arrow straight on, right lane arrow right turn only. You go in the right lane as there is nobody in it intending to go straight on. Opposing vehicle intending to turn right (they are local and know you should turn right) t bones the side of you car as you launch forward to beat the cars to your left. Lots of similar scenarios could arise from road layout, narrowing lanes etc. In reality a collision is unlikely but if it did happen and you SHOULD have turned right it wouldn't go down too well with the police or the court

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Re: Advanced Driving or Self Important?

Postby Horse » Tue Dec 13, 2016 10:42 am

Ah, OK :) I thought you meant direction arrows on the approach to a roundabout, e.g. a situation similar to the OP. I couldn't see how completing a 270 of the island could lead to a 'book chuck' court event.

Your 'standard' is how you drive alone, not how you drive during a test.

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Re: Advanced Driving or Self Important?

Postby sussex2 » Thu Dec 15, 2016 9:55 am ... 312!8i6656

The junction at the crest of the hill is controlled by traffic lights and there are often long queues in the right turn lane. The left lane however is rarely used.
Would anyone use the left lane if there was a slow moving vehicle at the head of the queue at the light; use it in order to turn right. The example I am thinking of involved a traction engine at the head of the queue.

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Re: Advanced Driving or Self Important?

Postby ancient » Thu Dec 15, 2016 12:23 pm

sussex2 wrote:,-0.5396265,3a,75y,248.84h,93.43t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sOR86OKfHaQc-xKeJPJPTjQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

The junction at the crest of the hill is controlled by traffic lights and there are often long queues in the right turn lane. The left lane however is rarely used.
Would anyone use the left lane if there was a slow moving vehicle at the head of the queue at the light; use it in order to turn right. The example I am thinking of involved a traction engine at the head of the queue.

No, but I might decide I needed fuel stop whilst I passed the engine, if the queue was that slow.

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Re: Advanced Driving or Self Important?

Postby akirk » Thu Dec 15, 2016 1:46 pm

sussex2 wrote:,-0.5396265,3a,75y,248.84h,93.43t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sOR86OKfHaQc-xKeJPJPTjQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

The junction at the crest of the hill is controlled by traffic lights and there are often long queues in the right turn lane. The left lane however is rarely used.
Would anyone use the left lane if there was a slow moving vehicle at the head of the queue at the light; use it in order to turn right. The example I am thinking of involved a traction engine at the head of the queue.

I think I am confused :) how could you use the left lane there to turn right as it is physically filtered off to the left - if there is traffic queuing on the right you wouldn't be able to get in there... If as ancient suggests you are thinking filter left and then do a u-turn / go through the forecourt and come back again - totally legal, though it seems a hassle just to jump a queue :)

today on the roundabout Junc. 15 of the M4 - over the M4 and heading NNWish on the A419 there are two lanes at the traffic lights going straight on into the two lanes of the A419 and one filtering right to the M4 East bound - there was a small lorry in front of me in lane 2, a car came up in lane 3 and when the lights went green out-accelerated the lorry and drove down the A419 - did it smoothly and cleanly - technically not the correct lane, but actually a good skilled move. He didn't avoid much traffic as he had been between me and the lorry - still not sure why the lorry was in that lane!


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Re: Advanced Driving or Self Important?

Postby GTR1400MAN » Thu Dec 15, 2016 2:29 pm

sussex2 wrote:,-0.5396265,3a,75y,248.84h,93.43t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sOR86OKfHaQc-xKeJPJPTjQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

The junction at the crest of the hill is controlled by traffic lights and there are often long queues in the right turn lane. The left lane however is rarely used.
Would anyone use the left lane if there was a slow moving vehicle at the head of the queue at the light; use it in order to turn right. The example I am thinking of involved a traction engine at the head of the queue.

If the traction engine was at the lights, how would there be room?

If however the traction engine was holding up a queue of sheepies coming up the slip, then I would (probably ... if safe) make a left side overtake to get to the lights first.
Mike Roberts - Now riding a Triumph Explorer XRT. My username comes from my 50K miles on a Kawasaki 1400GTR, after many years on Hondas of various shapes and styles. -

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Re: Advanced Driving or Self Important?

Postby sussex2 » Thu Dec 15, 2016 2:46 pm

There is plenty of room as the lights are before the approach from the right; think of it as a light controlled roundabout. A car stopped on the red light in the left lane would have plenty of time to accelerate and easily be in front of the slow moving engine.
It would be safe with no compromise in any way.
This junction (with many thanks to the Howard family) can often have a mile or so of queuing traffic in summer months; my preferred method is to use the left lane and go though the service station. It's cheeky but only to me ;)

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Re: Advanced Driving or Self Important?

Postby akirk » Thu Dec 15, 2016 2:59 pm

I think from the Google map view from that link... it gives the implication that the slip road splits left to Littlehampton and right to Chichester / Portsmouth. That split is before the lights and has no chance of going up the left and then cutting across - I assume you are refering to the lights which occur after that split?


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Re: Advanced Driving or Self Important?

Postby GTR1400MAN » Thu Dec 15, 2016 3:06 pm

sussex2 wrote:There is plenty of room as the lights are before the approach from the right; think of it as a light controlled roundabout. A car stopped on the red light in the left lane would have plenty of time to accelerate and easily be in front of the slow moving engine.
It would be safe with no compromise in any way.
This junction (with many thanks to the Howard family) can often have a mile or so of queuing traffic in summer months; my preferred method is to use the left lane and go though the service station. It's cheeky but only to me ;)

Totally confused. Your words don't seem to match the traffic lights linked to on StreetView. :confused:

As for using the service station ... my mate was nearly wiped out here yesterday, while filling his bike with fuel, by a van using the forecourt to miss out the ped crossing at red! :o :(
Mike Roberts - Now riding a Triumph Explorer XRT. My username comes from my 50K miles on a Kawasaki 1400GTR, after many years on Hondas of various shapes and styles. -

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