I'll experiment next time I'm out and about. I'm not convinced I lean in a gravelly car park.
Re: Motorcycle videos
Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2023 9:32 pm
by Horse
Perhaps you need one of those 'adventure' bikes? TBH, I wouldn't be brave enough to have experimented deliberately on a very loose surface. Probably not even on slightly loose!
But, within reason, the same physics will still apply. Difference will/may be the slip angles. But that's beyond my knowledge.
I heard an interesting bit of advice in a US video. It was for off-road training, but applies for road too: 'holding chicks'.
Imagine you have a chick in your hand. Hold the bars so lightly that you won't crush them.
For experiments, you need to be hyper aware of how much pressure you're putting into the bars.
Seen this one?
Re: Motorcycle videos
Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2023 1:49 pm
by Horse
If you're going to play about, it might be an idea to plan for the what and how. This could be a valuable piece of work.
Possibly: - Look at a range of speeds, from below clutch slip up beyond clutch fully engaged. - Set up a marker, so you always turn at the same point, with a straight approach - Possibly a 'gate' to turn towards to ensure, as far as possible, consistent turns (marker to gate) - Be aware of pressure on the grips/bars and make a conscious effort to direct steer and countersteer - Perhaps even put a camera, on a tripod, set to high frame rate - Your usual video & voice recording for in the moment comments and thoughts, and descriptions of each combination as you start the run - Maybe add a 'pointer' and scale to show in-video the amount of steering / bar angle*
* This was one of the pieces of research the MSF did, possibly in the 1970s.
Re: Motorcycle videos
Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2023 10:15 am
by Horse
Addendum redux
To really prove this, you need the 'turn' decision made for you, with instant / ASAP reaction by you. Options could be: - some sort of random indicator - third party signal, by radio instruction or hand signal. This, ideally, would be from someone who didn't have 'eyes on', so couldn't be influenced by you
Re: Motorcycle videos
Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2023 9:08 am
by Strangely Brown
This popped up in my YouTube feed and it seemed appropriate for this thread.
Re: Motorcycle videos
Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2023 4:15 pm
by GTR1400MAN
My latest quick tips video.
Re: Motorcycle videos
Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2024 5:07 pm
by GTR1400MAN
My first new video of 2024. A short one on safe filtering (overtaking?).
No. 14 in my series of Quick Tips.
Re: Motorcycle videos
Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2024 2:32 pm
by crr003
GTR1400MAN wrote:My first new video of 2024. A short one on safe filtering (overtaking?).
No. 14 in my series of Quick Tips.
I thought it was a tad bland. I was hoping for some DWL and pedestrian crossing action. But then I read the comments of the RoADAR riders on FB. I can't believe people are still using the Highway Code word "necessary" as a reason to not want to do something. One chap even embellished it to "completely necessary".
Re: Motorcycle videos
Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2024 10:40 pm
by GTR1400MAN
Didn't you see me riding recklessly at speed down the wrong side of the road ignoring all those gaps? I do wonder at times if people just comment based on the video thumbnails. The RoADAR page proved they do!
Re: Motorcycle videos
Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2024 11:38 am
by vanman
Surely the The whole point of a bike in town is getting through traffic.
If you are not going to filter you might as well use the ******* car! if you have one?