Roads in Ecuador.

Advanced Driving across South America
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Roads in Ecuador.

Postby WhoseGeneration » Wed Jan 02, 2019 9:04 pm

Again, we went on holiday just before last Christmas, to a 2nd world country, where the roads were in so much better condition than here.
I just don't understand it.

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Re: Roads in Ecuador.

Postby Horse » Wed Jan 02, 2019 10:06 pm

What did they say when you asked?

PS the council resurfaced the road I live on a few months ago, lovely job - smooth and level :)
Your 'standard' is how you drive alone, not how you drive during a test.

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Re: Roads in Ecuador.

Postby WhoseGeneration » Fri Apr 26, 2019 7:48 pm

I had hoped others than a regular poster might have replied.
However, there you go, so to answer you, borrowing by the previous President.
From China with the result that China is now mining copper in Ecuador.
Our Ecuadorian guide was scathing about all their politicians, the current lot being as corrupt as the previous lot.
This is prevalent everywhere we travel, tour guides being honest about the political situation in their countries. We've not been anywhere where a guide has praised their political situation.
Your road, we should be so lucky, it's pothole hell here. Poorly filled and then pothole again. Some company gets paid for this rubbish too.
Btw, the China stuff, quite why we in the West are happy to allow the economic colonisation of the second world I don't understand.
Then, it would appear we, or rather our politicians, are happy to allow China to economically colonise us.
Oh well, it's history as power moves East to West and back to East.

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