Proposed changes to the Highway Code?

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Re: Proposed changes to the Highway Code?

Postby sussex2 » Thu Aug 26, 2021 12:09 pm

jont- wrote:
sussex2 wrote:It is not extreme examples such as Holland with millions of bikes or Germany with strict rules. It is a general attitude that needs changing and this will take time; less time than many suspect I think.

Half the problem in the UK is expecting centuries old infrastructure to deal with modern life. By all means wrap it up in a museum somewhere, but otherwise I'm not sure why we insist on making life so unpleasant for ourselves by living in outdated cramped cities where wholescale knock down and rebuild would be more appropriate (and if it's so historic, what about the forests/fields that were there before the buildings were put up in the first place? :roll: )

How acceptable is drink driving nowadays? Changes of rules change attitudes.
Where I live if you do not stop for people crossing you would at very least, be spat upon (not pleasant in a pandemic) or have your car kicked in bad cases.
Yet there is a great deal of give and take and frayed tempers are rare. It is just what you get on with.
Be kind to one another.

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