What are we going to do this year? Shall we just gripe about driiving standards / speed limits / road markings / potholes (take your pick)? Or shall we do something? Ideas on a postcard please .....

Triquet wrote:Happy New Year to one and all!
What are we going to do this year? Shall we just gripe about driiving standards / speed limits / road markings / potholes (take your pick)? Or shall we do something? Ideas on a postcard please .....
RiK wrote:Probably do a bit of driving myself, and most likely nick a fair few dodgy drivers whilst I'm at it too..
RiK wrote:Probably do a bit of driving myself, and most likely nick a fair few dodgy drivers whilst I'm at it too..
RiK wrote:Probably do a bit of driving myself, and most likely nick a fair few dodgy drivers whilst I'm at it too..
waremark wrote:RiK wrote:Probably do a bit of driving myself, and most likely nick a fair few dodgy drivers whilst I'm at it too..
Interesting that. I have the impression that nicking dodgy drivers has been de-prioritized leaving the camera boys as the only police involvement with drivers unless the drivers actually crash, don't wear seat belts or hand hold phones. What sort of bad driving would cause you to nick someone?
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