Electric parking brake

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Re: Electric parking brake

Postby jont- » Sat Jan 11, 2020 9:43 pm

vanman wrote:Just a thought, I when leaving any vehicle for a length of time, leave in gear and release the handbrake. Does the electric handbrake draw power when on? if so the above is probably a good idea for saving battery power. Oh and yes the handbrake DOES come on on the move, ask Muggins :D

No, it won't draw power. Some cars it can be a PITA to make it not come on (one of our cars you have to hold the button down as you turn the ignition off, or it will automatically apply the brake as you switch off).

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Re: Electric parking brake

Postby Horse » Sat Jan 11, 2020 9:46 pm

crr003 wrote:
Horse wrote:Yup, where a 'hand'brake (instead of a finger as it is now!) might be, alongside the gear lever. When driving, it's flush with the surface of the centre console, so would be difficult to operate accidentally. A malevolent passenger could just as easily grab the handbrake or knock the car out of gear.

Does it activate if the car is moving? Try it and let us know.

Luckily, Filly did that test for me. Luckily, at low speed. The car stopped :)
Your 'standard' is how you drive alone, not how you drive during a test.

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