Gareth wrote:hray wrote:Assuming instead of 'suggesting' a gear it just selects it instead
I don't remember driving a car with an automatic gearbox where I've not overridden the gears; they just don't pick the gears I want at the time I want them.
DCTs are very good now. Don't forget you actually have a lot of control over when it changes gear (unlike a slush box) with your use of the throttle pedal. It's a different style of driving/control.
My car does have manual mode and flappy paddles and you can over-ride (for a few seconds). All of which I used quite a bit at first, but now rarely use. The most common over-ride I use is to select manual and a fixed gear for descents, and at times I may down change on approach to an increased speed limit just to be even smoother/subtle than the kick down.