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Re: One of the dozen

Posted: Mon May 02, 2016 6:38 pm
by TheInsanity1234
Silk wrote:
TheInsanity1234 wrote:Nobody likes Silk... ;)

You're just being silkist. :evil:

It's hard not to like you, despite the name, any interaction with you rarely goes like silk. ;)

Re: One of the dozen

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 9:20 am
by ancient
angus wrote:
akirk wrote:
Rolyan wrote:P.S. I like's cyclists I don't like!

Do we need a forum on advanced cycling?!




One would hope it should be, after all such a simple and efficient means of transport should be open to all ages (from 8 to 80+) and abilities. Unfortunately the dominance of the road by motorised vehicles, many of the drivers of which do not pay sufficient attention to the danger they present to vulnerable road users, make the concepts discussed in Cyclecraft (such as using Primary position to control the behaviour of following drivers) pretty essential. The result is that less assertive people are frightened of cycling and the demographic who will ride (whether trained to use Cyclecraft concepts or not - and the provision for training is sadly lacking) are more assertive than average. I guess we get the type of cyclists we deserve.

Re: One of the dozen

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 1:22 pm
by StressedDave
Does that include uphillracer who feels the urge to berate other road users rather than getting his head down and getting his ride over with, or the idiot who recently attempted to impede a Police BMW 4x4 by trying to wedge his bike underneath during one of the (more than) slightly anarchic cyclist get togethers?

IME (and we get a lot of mass training runs and competition triathlons around here) there are plenty of cyclists who do not pay sufficient attention to the danger they present to themselves (and arguably to those who are going to impact them). The number that I see who feel that swinging some considerable distance (doesn't affect me as I'm over the other side of the centre markings) to overtake a fellow competitor is quite scary.

I have no complaint whatsoever with positive positioning - it's an essential skill irrespective of whether you're human powered or not.

Re: One of the dozen

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 3:54 pm
by ancient
Yes SD, I think it does.

Re: One of the dozen

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 4:18 pm
by dvenman
Cycling is really just putting one foot in front of the other, but going quicker. Isn't that like running ?

Welcome, BTW, MotorSportsFan.

Re: One of the dozen

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 8:35 pm
by gannet
Some of us are cyclists on here ;)

Welcome along :D

Re: One of the dozen

Posted: Wed May 04, 2016 12:02 pm
by ancient
Apparently some 80% of adult cyclists are motorists (probably a higher proportion if you count only those who cycle for sporting interest); this could explain a lot about the cyclists that people see most of.

Re: One of the dozen

Posted: Sat May 07, 2016 11:58 am
by sussex2
akirk wrote:
Rolyan wrote:P.S. I like's cyclists I don't like!

Do we need a forum on advanced cycling?!



We need a few lesson on basic cycling where I live :)
Says he as the silly season gets under way.

Re: One of the dozen

Posted: Sat May 07, 2016 4:11 pm
by Imsensible
Actually, there should be a forum where 'advanced' cycling can be discussed seriously. Why can't cyclists want to ride to a high standard, just like advance motorists and bikers? We all share the same roads, most cyclists drive cars too. Discussing cyclecraft with other road users is a good idea, although old prejudices die hard, even with those 'enlightened' individuals on this forum. Especially with Silk ;)

Re: One of the dozen

Posted: Mon May 09, 2016 8:16 am
by ancient
Imsensible wrote:Actually, there should be a forum where 'advanced' cycling can be discussed seriously. Why can't cyclists want to ride to a high standard, just like advance motorists and bikers? We all share the same roads, most cyclists drive cars too. Discussing cyclecraft with other road users is a good idea, although old prejudices die hard, even with those 'enlightened' individuals on this forum. Especially with Silk ;)

There is a forum where such things are often discussed, over at what used to be the CTC forum (not an official channel to the CTC), since rebadging following a head office takeover and conversion to a charity (sound familiar?) the url is now