After a few years hiatus passed by IAM test back in 2002, I've been back in the Advanced driving fold. Passed my ROSPA at Silver (Not going fast enough on a damp day) a few years back and now Observing with my local excellent IAM group.
Passed my national observer, and starting to think about what's next .. I'll post that question elsewhere on here.
Not a new member but a returning to the forum.
Re: Not a new member but a returning to the forum.
Welcome back!
Re: Not a new member but a returning to the forum.
Your 'standard' is how you drive alone, not how you drive during a test.
Re: Not a new member but a returning to the forum.
Welcome back.... we'll stick the kettle on!
Richard Olpin: Bristol IAM: Training Officer, IAM: Masters (Dist), IMI National Observer, LOA. Gloucestershire Constabulary SC6240.
Re: Not a new member but a returning to the forum.
tioaboa wrote: ROSPA at Silver (Not going fast enough on a damp day)
Could you elaborate? eg Were you slightly or substantially below the speed limits?
Re "What next?" IMHO look outside of the 'usual' stuff.
Your 'standard' is how you drive alone, not how you drive during a test.
Re: Not a new member but a returning to the forum.
tioaboa wrote:starting to think about what's next
Prompted by Horse's comment, and not seeing a new thread for the topic, I'd say it depends on what you want to achieve. The IAM and RoADAR have other badges to collect, if that's your desire.
there is only the road, nothing but the road ...
Re: Not a new member but a returning to the forum.
Gareth wrote:tioaboa wrote:starting to think about what's next
Prompted by Horse's comment, and not seeing a new thread for the topic, I'd say it depends on what you want to achieve. The IAM and RoADAR have other badges to collect, if that's your desire.
By your (tioaboa) post, you have a good understanding of Roadcraft principles. And, if you know the 'why' of your silver Vs gold, and observing, then you presumably have a good understanding of the finer points.
So you have a choice: more of the same, or something else

If you were a motorcyclist, I could advise on alternatives.
And Gareth (and others) can advise on whether something like HPC offers something for you.
But that leads to questions: is there something where you have noticed a deficiency in your driving, or what you would like to be able to do? Or do you want to improve your tutoring? Or ... ?
Your 'standard' is how you drive alone, not how you drive during a test.
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