WhoseGeneration wrote: what we know to be the benefits of "advanced driving", which I prefer to think of as driving properly.
What we know [is fact] about benefits, or what we think is fact about benefits?
More specifically, which element(s) that make up 'advanced' achieve results and which don't?
And, important in that, what is meant by 'benefits'? We all know the background, Met police accident rate etc. - but when talking about benefits, what is meant now, 90 years on, and what can be proven?
For example, better machine control could result in the benefit of 'smoothness', improved hazard perception and insight could improve safety, and better forward planning could reduce brake and tyre wear whilst improving fuel consumption.
However, are they what you mean by 'advanced'?
Really, all of those could be incorporated into L training. And if they're shown to be beneficial (particularly for safety) then perhaps they should be.
What would remain as solely 'advanced''?