Use of indicators

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Use of indicators

Postby vanman » Sun Nov 28, 2021 11:18 am

As things are quiet on here a present :twisted:

MSM. always? After quite a bit of discussion on a run out recently, the usual "only indicate if someone would benefit" mantra was put forward.
OK, can of worms open :evil: lets see what happens....

I tend to indicate in all situations, parked vehicles excepted. On occasion I have found myself checking the mirror AFTER indicating!! :shock:

The reasoning behind always indicating, I mainly drive a van in busy congested areas.
I know which way I wish to go so indicate early.
I may have missed someone who would have benefitted, blind spots, poor observation etc.
I can now concentrate on the hazard without the distraction of shall I shan't I indicate.
Yes I know red rag time "automatic indicating"!!
One point of view put forward recently was perhaps we should always look for reasons TOO indicate rather than NOT. :judge:

Looking forward to your inputs. :D

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Re: Use of indicators

Postby Horse » Sun Nov 28, 2021 11:34 am

vanman wrote:MSM. always? After quite a bit of discussion on a run out recently, the usual "only indicate if someone would benefit" mantra was put forward.

... Or someone might benefit?

Which leads to: how do you decide where, or where not, anyone might gain benefit? To be honest, I've never tried to 'quantify', but probably something related to surprise horizons, time & distance, etc.

vanman wrote:I tend to indicate in all situations, parked vehicles excepted. On occasion I have found myself checking the mirror AFTER indicating!! :shock:

Rear obs? Overrated ;)

Actually, rear obs are often about 'timing', in particular looking behind when there's reduced need to be looking behind. If you're driving in busy urban environments, particularly if looking for turnings, etc, it could be that an early signal (keeping your concentration ahead but allowing more time for anyone else (not necessarily just behind) more time to notice and react.
Your 'standard' is how you drive alone, not how you drive during a test.

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Re: Use of indicators

Postby Triquet » Sun Nov 28, 2021 12:12 pm

:steering: Here in Occupied North Berkshire there is now so much traffic that there is almost always "someone who would benefit". I think the old mantra came to pass when traffic was much lighter. I'm afraid I do it on autopilot rather. :car:

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Re: Use of indicators

Postby martine » Mon Nov 29, 2021 4:05 pm

I often/nearly always indicate...except when I am sure no one would benefit...e.g. approaching a roundabout with good views of all exits, no one behind. On a quiet motorway if I've just overtaken an HGV then I will not indicate to move back into my lane. Oh and has been said I don't usually indicate when moving out to pass parked vehicle (and even learners aren't expected to on test either).

Apart from those situations above, I indicate...I think :(
Martin - Bristol Advanced Motorists: IMI National Observer, Group Secretary, Masters (dist), DSA: ADI, Fleet, RoSPA (Dip)

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Re: Use of indicators

Postby jcochrane » Tue Nov 30, 2021 7:48 pm

I have now reverted back to my original approach to indicating to that before I became involved with the IAM. So now my approach is to indicate unless I can find a reason not too.

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