The state of roads.

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Re: The state of roads.

Postby akirk » Tue Jun 14, 2016 8:38 pm

I had no problem in Cambridge last Friday, and as a bonus I came home with enough spare bike parts stored under my car to build a complete bike!


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Re: The state of roads.

Postby Rolyan » Wed Jun 15, 2016 11:45 am

StressedDave wrote:I think you'll find in central Cambridge that the roads are three inches wide and the rest is given over to cyclists, many of whom will quite happily cycle against traffic.

The cyclist the other day was going with the flow of traffic, but decided he could make better progress by cycling at speed on the pavement. Fortunately, I based my driving plan around the premise that not only was he inconsiderate, he was likely to be a really poor rider with no spatial awareness and an arrogant attitude to all other road users. This meant that when he decided to join the road without any shoulder check, at speed, I was able to avoid an unpleasant RTI.

Knowing that most cyclists are complete idiots (certainly the lycra clad 'Captain Insensible' ones) can save their lives.

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Re: The state of roads.

Postby sussex2 » Wed Jun 15, 2016 2:14 pm

Rolyan wrote:
StressedDave wrote:I think you'll find in central Cambridge that the roads are three inches wide and the rest is given over to cyclists, many of whom will quite happily cycle against traffic.

The cyclist the other day was going with the flow of traffic, but decided he could make better progress by cycling at speed on the pavement. Fortunately, I based my driving plan around the premise that not only was he inconsiderate, he was likely to be a really poor rider with no spatial awareness and an arrogant attitude to all other road users. This meant that when he decided to join the road without any shoulder check, at speed, I was able to avoid an unpleasant RTI.

Knowing that most cyclists are complete idiots (certainly the lycra clad 'Captain Insensible' ones) can save their lives.

'All the gear and no idea' I once heard it described as.
But, how others decide to spend their money is entirely their business as far as I'm concerned.
I wish though that people would understand the basic rule 'Lycra does nobody any favours' :lol:

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Re: The state of roads.

Postby TripleS » Thu Jun 16, 2016 7:43 am

sussex2 wrote:
Rolyan wrote:
StressedDave wrote:I think you'll find in central Cambridge that the roads are three inches wide and the rest is given over to cyclists, many of whom will quite happily cycle against traffic.

The cyclist the other day was going with the flow of traffic, but decided he could make better progress by cycling at speed on the pavement. Fortunately, I based my driving plan around the premise that not only was he inconsiderate, he was likely to be a really poor rider with no spatial awareness and an arrogant attitude to all other road users. This meant that when he decided to join the road without any shoulder check, at speed, I was able to avoid an unpleasant RTI.

Knowing that most cyclists are complete idiots (certainly the lycra clad 'Captain Insensible' ones) can save their lives.

'All the gear and no idea' I once heard it described as.
But, how others decide to spend their money is entirely their business as far as I'm concerned.
I wish though that people would understand the basic rule 'Lycra does nobody any favours' :lol:

Aye, as an elderly relative of mine used to say "most folk look better covered up!" It's a shame really, but in truth I think she was right.

She was referring to the situation where, in hot weather on the foreshore in Scarborough, for example, you'd see folk strolling about in a scantily clad state, and a pretty sight it was not: blokes with beer bellies, females - even the young ones - seriously overweight and flabby - not good. It's fortunate that some of us manage to retain a degree of sleek elegance. 8-)

Best wishes all,

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Re: The state of roads.

Postby Rolyan » Thu Jun 16, 2016 12:56 pm

Whenever I come across a buffoon of cyclists I always wonder why no one has actually said to them do you know how stupid you look. You're cycling to work, we all know that you are not a professional racer.

However, I could put up with them if they weren't so dangerous and arrogant, although I appreciate it may vary depending which part of the country you live in.

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Re: The state of roads.

Postby gannet » Thu Jun 16, 2016 2:01 pm

Rolyan wrote:Whenever I come across a buffoon of cyclists I always wonder why no one has actually said to them do you know how stupid you look. You're cycling to work, we all know that you are not a professional racer.

However, I could put up with them if they weren't so dangerous and arrogant, although I appreciate it may vary depending which part of the country you live in.

*sigh* I cycle to work :bike: , I don't wear (or even own) lycra but I do wear cycling shorts and a top, then wash and change when I arrive...

mainly because it's 16 miles, try that in jeans or a suit, then ;)

Chances are though, as I'm law abiding you wouldn't even notice me, or the many other law abiding cyclists I come across. As ever only the law flouting ones get remembered but there are actually far more law abiding ones out there than not - certainly where I cycle.

oh and I don't give a flying f**k how I look to other people - why should I :confused:

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Re: The state of roads.

Postby Rolyan » Thu Jun 16, 2016 2:25 pm

As I say, it depends which part of the country you come from.

I see many cyclists every day on my 30 mile commute and it never fails to surprise me how little roadcraft they exhibit. It's not just about riding through red lights, riding on the pavement etc. It's the ridiculous things they do like pulling out without looking, overtaking slow moving traffic on the inside at speed past a petrol station entrance, riding on the pavement causing pedestrians to alter their course, poor lane use at roundabouts, poorly planned overtaking, etc etc etc.

Is it all cyclists? Obviously not. But it's a big enough percentage to be a concern to all, including cyclists like yourself that don't do these things. Do we only notice or remember the law breakers? No, that's a myth.

Then of course if something happens, OMG the victim mentality comes out, go pro helmet and all.

I agree though; while we should condemn these idiots, what they wear is their problem.

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Re: The state of roads.

Postby StressedDave » Thu Jun 16, 2016 2:42 pm

Rolyan wrote:The cyclist the other day was going with the flow of traffic, but decided he could make better progress by cycling at speed on the pavement. Fortunately, I based my driving plan around the premise that not only was he inconsiderate, he was likely to be a really poor rider with no spatial awareness and an arrogant attitude to all other road users. This meant that when he decided to join the road without any shoulder check, at speed, I was able to avoid an unpleasant RTI.

Knowing that most cyclists are complete idiots (certainly the lycra clad 'Captain Insensible' ones) can save their lives.

Are you aware just how smug the above sounds?

Someone needs to read and inwardly digest Dave's driving mantra No. 1... To save you searching it is: 'Everyone on the road is an idiot, including me'. I'm fairly sure that cyclist has had myriad encounters with other road users lacking an IAM/RoADAR/Tufty Club (waves to TripleS) badge with the same lack of RTC.

Oh and gannet - this thread is useless without pics. But can you PM me before you post as I don't want a mouthful of beverage when I look :hit:
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Re: The state of roads.

Postby gannet » Thu Jun 16, 2016 3:30 pm

StressedDave wrote:Oh and gannet - this thread is useless without pics. But can you PM me before you post as I don't want a mouthful of beverage when I look :hit:

as a measure of how much I care how I look - there are no pics available...

I could find some of my bike if that is of interest?

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Re: The state of roads.

Postby TripleS » Thu Jun 16, 2016 5:15 pm

Off topic somewhat, but a question:

Are posts being subjected to some form of censorship on here?

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